Research Articles
Emilia María Ochoa Acosta

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, sede Medellín

Ofelia Roldán Vargas

Universidad de Manizales

Blanca Susana Ramírez Puerta

Universidad de Antioquia

Ángela María Franco Cortés

Universidad de Antioquia

Introduction: This research was sponsored by the Secretary of Health of Medellin and udea by an Inter-administrative Agreement No. 4800001581, whose objective is to describe oral health status of school children in Medellin and explore meanings and practices of oral health and disease for this population in 2006 to contribute to a strategy design in order to promote health and trying to outrange the predominant instrumental technical guidance in teaching programs.

Materials and methods: A hermeneutic, qualitative approach focused on understanding students’ texts as an expression of their sense world built by their own experiences; included 12-and-13 year children (120). Depth interview and storytelling in a workshop context were used for data collection. We constructed a category matrix for analysis, so meanings were taken as a main reference.

Results: Two trends emerged, one related to self-care meanings determined by a health biological conception and a body trivial relationship. The other trend is related to lacking basic concepts which affects practices.

Conclusions: To generate teaching processes in order to outrange the instructional model and enable the health experience in everyday life, so they allow a deep meaning development which in turn will lead to a careful behavior by themselves and each other.

Keywords: self-care, practices, oral health, meanings.

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