eISSN: 2382-4921      H index: 19
DOI: https://doi.org/10.16925/issn.0124-406X
Editor :Yuly Andrea Rojas Gamboa
Start : 1998 - 2016 digital     Periodicity : Biannual     Language : Spanish
Scope : scientific journal that publishes original and unpublished articles that present research and theoretical and methodological innovations that contribute to the understanding, progress and state of education, pedagogy in the teaching of Spanish and foreign languages, and the Literature. It is aimed at researchers in basic, secondary and higher education in those areas of knowledge.
Indexed in : MIAR, Dialnet, Google, REDIB, Actualidad Iberoamericana, EGlobal, EBSCOhost.

Vol. 14 No. 27 (2012)
Published: 2012-06-01

Table of Contents

Investigaciones en curso
Diana Isabel Fernández Umaña, Eduard Humberto Rodríguez Meléndez
Dossier temático de investigaciones terminadas
Sonia Alexandra Rojas Reyes, Cindy Catherine Suárez Hernández, Lizeth Johanna Velandia Vesga
Jasmid Amaya Ardila, Ángela Patricia Carvajal, Carolina Silva Bothia
Argenis Maritza Carrillo Salinas, Mayra Alejandra Garcés Amorocho, Laura Paola Mantilla
Yully Anaya Velasco, Silvia Díaz Rodríguez, Jenny Martínez Hernández