
Emilia María Ochoa Acosta

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Field research in oral health has traditionally been guided by the biomedical perspective, with great emphasis on biological aspects and little progress in addressing the social determinants of the process of oral health illness. This shows that, since the beginning of the modern project, with its positioning of a hegemonic model to carry out scientific work, characterized by the privilege of research that points to biotechnological advances, due to the acceptance of a single epistemology and restricted approaches to a methodological focus, such research has not significantly contributed to overcoming oral health problems. That is evident, among other reasons, given the high prevalence of preventable oral diseases, such as dental caries and periodontal disease. We thus take part in great progress in restoration materials, sophisticated technologies for oral rehabilitation processes and innovative surgical procedures, while continuing limitations on access to these benefits for a large part of the population remains a concern.

Keywords: editorial

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