eISSN: 2382-4247       Índice H: 15
DOI: https://doi.org/10.16925/issn.1794-7928
Editora: Yuly Andrea Caicedo Blanco
Guest editor: Jeiczon Elim Jaimes Dueñez
Start : 2005 - 2016 digital     Periodicity : Biannual     Language : Spanish
Scope : academic publication that focuses on the diffusion of research, discussion and literature/research review articles as well as clinical cases on Animal Health, Animal Production, Public Health, Sustainability Criteria and Biosafety in Veterinay Medicine. The journal is intended mainly for researchers, professors, undergraduate, posgraduate students and professionals from Colombia and other countries. 
Indexada en: MIAR, Directorio Latindex, Google, Actualidad Iberoamericana, EGlobal, EBSCOhost, OAJI.


Vol. 11 No. 23 (2015)
Published: 2015-12-01

Table of Contents

Javier Enrique Vargas, Cesar Augusto Serrano, Daniel Adyro Martínez, Guadalupe Rodríguez , Lourdes Zaragoza, Lady Katerine Serrano
DOI: https://doi.org/10.16925/sp.v11i23.1362
Jefferson Muñoz, Ginés Fernando Ramírez, Luisa Fernanda Garcés
DOI: https://doi.org/10.16925/sp.v11i23.1364
Diana Marcela Reyes , Jairo José Rivera, Fabián Alejandro Gómez , Luz Stella Cortes
DOI: https://doi.org/10.16925/sp.v11i23.1365
Wilder Hernando Ortiz Vega, Valter Luiz Maciel-Júnior
DOI: https://doi.org/10.16925/sp.v11i23.1366
Mahia Elizabeth Minteguiaga
DOI: https://doi.org/10.16925/sp.v11i23.1367
Milena Esney Hernández , Luís Ernesto Rodríguez, Adolfo Cardozo, Arcesio Salamanca
DOI: https://doi.org/10.16925/sp.v11i23.1368