Development of reading comprehension in preschool children based on the narration of modern children's stories

Original Articles
Silvia Juliana Alvarez
Maritza Murillo León
Edith Johana Sierra

This article arises from the formative research, carried out in the transitional grade, morning session of the San Cristobal Educational Center, located in the north of the city, in charge of the teacher Rosario Diaz. The central axis of this exercise is referred to the development of reading comprehension in preschool children from the narration of children's stories.

Keywords: comprensión, lectura, preescolar, infancia, narración, cuentos, aprendizaje, educación

How to Cite

Alvarez, S. J., Murillo León, M., & Sierra , E. J. (2024). Development of reading comprehension in preschool children based on the narration of modern children’s stories. Rastros Rostros, 5(10).
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