Formative Research of the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Antioquia: Experiences of an Undergraduate

Ángela María Franco Cortés

Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Odontología

Introduction: the Faculty of Dentistry’s program is aimed to the formation of a comprehensive dental surgeon with a critical and responsible mindset to know and correct the oral component of the health-sickness process, using a pedagogical model focused on participative processes and the autonomy of the student, in which investigation is understood as the main axe of the formation of that critical and pondering attitude towards knowledge. This study is aimed to recognizing the experiences described by undergraduate students of this Faculty, related to the process of formative research, pondering and learned lessons. Methods: form a hermeneutical point of view, an intentional sample of 53 undergraduate students enrolled in the last stage of the study plan (eighth, ninth and tenth semesters), was used. Such students were distributed in eight discussion groups. Results: out of the students’ inputs, four main topics stood out: the selection and definition of the problem to be investigated, the professors/advisors’ company, the link between the study plan and the formative investigation and the institutional support. Discussion: in general, the results show a series of inconsistencies among the curricular proposal and the experiences of the students during the formative investigation. These inconsistencies go conversely to the teaching proposal, as important as that of a problematizing and flexible program, which cooperates with the formation as a process and a product.

Keywords: higher education, education strategies, formative investigation

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