Oral health condition of a population victim of the armed conflict in the municipality of Girardota, Antioquia

Clara Liliana Gallego Gómez

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Leidy Castrillón Isaza

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Andrea Herrera Montes

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Maria Isabel Lasso Álvarez

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Natalia Muñoz Bustamante

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Ruth Yulieth Salcedo Cueto

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Brayan David Vasquez Arroyave

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Introduction: The history of the armed conflict in Colombia has left thousands of victims and displaced persons who are currently facing serious consequences for their quality of life, which is reflected in their health and especially in their oral health. Objective: Describe the oral health condition of the population victim of the armed conflict of the municipality of Girardota – Antioquia.

Materials and methods: A descriptive quantitative study was conducted on a sample of 52 people. A structured survey and clinical examination was conducted for the Silness and Löe index, basic periodontal index, COP-M, situation and need for prosthetics.

Results: The average age was 40.5 years, 75% were women, mostly from 1 and 2 social classification, with a basic elementary schooling grade in 42% of the participants, and incomes less than minimums salary in 60.5%. The COP-D index was 11 and COPD-M was 13, the prevalence of cavities was 80%, the presence of gingivitis at 56.9%, and periodontitis of 41.2%, 55.8% had prosthetic needs. 30.8% attended consultation in the last year, 40% for pain or decay. 62% consider poor their oral health status, and 87.8% consider that they need dental treatment.

Conclusions: A close relationship was found between socio-economic conditions and worse oral health conditions in the population. Population intervention strategies should be focused on oral rehabilitation to attendant their needs.

Keywords: armed conflict, victims, displacement, oral health, socioeconomics conditions

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