Knowledge, Attitudes and Experience Regarding Dental Trauma in Dentistry Students in Cartagena, Colombia

Irene Margarita Lora Salgado

Universidad del Sinú.

Lesbia Rosa Tirado Amador

Universidad de Cartagena.

Edgar Daniel Vargas Quiroga

Universidad del Sinú.

Demetrio Barcha Barreto

Universidad del Sinú.

Leidy Lombana Ortiz

Universidad del Sinú.

Mariangélica Ramírez Pattigno

Universidad del Sinú.

Aníbal Estrada Martínez

Universidad del Sinú.

German Ortiz Brun

Universidad del Sinú.

Introduction: Dental trauma is a reason for dental consultation, often in children and young people. It has social and psychological impacts. Several studies are interested in the knowledge of parents, teachers and dentists on the subject. In the case of dentistry students, not much information is available. Therefore, we wanted to determine the level of knowledge, attitudes and experience regarding dental trauma care of students from a private university in Cartagena, Colombia.   Materials and methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive study in senior students through an anonymous self-report questionnaire. The data were processed and analyzed by Stata v. 13.2, using descriptive statistics and bivariate analysis through χ 2 tests.   Results: The sample was 45 subjects, with an average age of 23.3 ± 1.94 years old. The level of knowledge was acceptable in 64.4% of the students, and the students who are part of this percentage have poor knowledge of alveolar fracture, intrusive dislocation with suppurating fistula, intrusive and lateral dislocation and according to the severity of trauma. Attitudes were unfavorable in 82% of the students and 95% had not seen dental trauma cases. No statistically significant association was reported among study variables.   Conclusion: While the level of knowledge regarding dental trauma in the study subjects is acceptable and the little clinical experience in its treatment is notorious, the School of Dentistry is required to promote from academia the strengthening of skills to deal with these clinical situations.
Keywords: attitudes and practices (DeCS-Bireme), health knowledge, dentistry students, dental trauma

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