Morphometric Craniocervical Relations of the Occlusal Plane and Validation of Occlusometry

Raúl Frugone Zambra

Universidad de La Serena

Rodrigo Villalobos Ortega

Práctica privada

María Rocío Jara

Práctica privada

Introduction: the dorsal projection of the occlusal plane and its inclination in relation to the skull base are essential to generate a simple cephalometric analysis for physical therapists.

Methods: descriptive study on teleradiography of complete skull profile of 124 patients. The place of projection of the theoretical occlusal plane over the cervical co-lumn was determined, and the angulation was measured in regard to the line c1 of the Delaire’s Architectural and Structural Analysis (dasa). The results were analyzed according to gender and skeletal types defined in the same analysis. A simple analysis was proposed to determine the position of the occlusal plane regarding the cervical column and the base of the skull and facial height (occlusometry). The occlusometry was validated by contrasting it with the complete dasa.

Results: from a total of 164 patients, 68 projected the occlusal plane over the inferior portion of the atlas and 36 over the atlas-axis articulation. In relation to the angle of occlusal plane with c1, the values obtained between 7 and 14 grades were an average of 9,8º and a trend of 10º. No difference was observed between skeletal types or gender. An analysis was proposed that was termed occlusometry.

Conclusion: the occlusal plan tends to maintain a stable position in space, which allows a study of teleradiography, validated and useful to determine the position of the occlusal plane within the limits of the vertical occlusal dimension.

Keywords: cephalometric analysis, Delaire’s architectural and structural analysis, craneocervical articulation, skeletal type, occlusal plane, teleradiography
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