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Archive of Published Issues: 2015

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Journal URL https://revistas.ucc.edu.co/index.php/in
Title Ingeniería Solidaria
Publisher Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Description Ingeniería Solidaria is a publication that focuses on the diffusion of research, reflection and revision of literature articles on engineering (computer sciences, industrial, electronics, civil, materials, chemistry, mechanical among others) and on the teaching of engineering. The journal is not only aiming to have an impact in the academic environment but also to contribute on socializing experiences, initiatives, projects on engineering, that can have an effect on communities or an specific region. The journal is mainly intended for researchers, professors, undergraduate and postgraduate students and professionals on Engineering in Colombia and other countries.
ISSN 2357-6014
Language(s) English (en)
Spanish (es)
Publisher Email ingenieriasolidaria@ucc.edu.co

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As the author of the article, I declare that is an original unpublished work exclusively created by me, that it has not been submitted for simultaneous evaluation by another publication and that there is no impediment of any kind for concession of the rights provided for in this contract.

In this sense, I am committed to await the result of the evaluation by the journal Ingeniería Solidaría before considering its submission to another medium; in case the response by that publication is positive, additionally, I am committed to respond for any action involving claims, plagiarism or any other kind of claim that could be made by third parties.

At the same time, as the author or co-author, I declare that I am completely in agreement with the conditions presented in this work and that I cede all patrimonial rights, in other words, regarding reproduction, public communication, distribution, dissemination, transformation, making it available and all forms of exploitation of the work using any medium or procedure, during the term of the legal protection of the work and in every country in the world, to the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia Press.


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