All the articles submitted to the arbitration process of the publication Ingeniería Solidaría must be unpublished. We ask the authors not to submit works that have been published partially or in their entirety on other platforms – except for online publications of working documents. In the case of translations, the relevance and the contribution of the theme for the discipline will be taken into account. Should evidence of similar or identical documents already published be detected, the manuscript will be automatically rejected.
In accordance with the requirements of academic quality of scientific publications, Ingeniería Solidaría is seeking to publish the following types of article:
Articles of scientific and technological investigation
Documents presenting, in detail, the original results of investigation projects, completed or in process.Articles of reflection following an investigation
Documents presenting the results of investigations already completed and published in other academic publications from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective by the person writing the reflection article, on a specific theme, referring to the original sources.
Review articles
Documents resulting from a completed investigation in which the results of the published investigations in a scientific or technological field, with the purpose of accounting for progress and development trends are analysed, systematized or integrated. This type of article is characterised by a careful bibliographical review of a minimum of 50 references.
Structure of the articles
The basic structure of an article consists of the following: title, abstract, key words, main body of the text (introduction, methodology, results, discussion and conclusions) and list of references. The details an author has to take into account at the time of preparing his article for Ingeniería Solidaría are described very extensively in the template created for that end. All the articles have to conform to the article template of the publication Ingeniería Solidaría.Languages
Ingeniería Solidaria publishes articles written in English or Portuguese.
It is suggested that the articles have a minimum length of four thousand words (4000) and a maximum of eight thousand words (8000).Reception
The reception of articles is permanent since the publication has a continuous edition. Articles must be sent through the Journal’s Open Journal platform; for this process it is necessary for the author to register on this content management platform.Ingeniería Solidaría is published three times a year (January, May, September). The publication will also publish special thematic editions at the initiative of the editor, the members of the committees or external collaborators, and its publication may be done in an special edition within the volume (the conditions or particularities of the special edition will be reported through a specific Call for Papers).
The pair of experts of Ingeniería Solidaría will possess at a minimum a Masters’degree, with preferably the title of Doctor, have papers published in the area that they are asked to evaluate and be external to the educational institution that supports the publication. The participation of the pair of experts will be ad honorem and it is hoped that it will be assumed as a pact of academic reciprocity, intended to try to contribute in a constructive manner to the strengthening (and validation) of the investigation and knowledge of other colleagues within the discipline.
As the arbitration is effected through a “double blind system”, with the aim of guaranteeing greater independence of all parties (neither the authors, nor the evaluators will have data of each other’s identities, academic profile or origin), that information will only be known to those responsible for the publication and will not be revealed to third parties.Arbitration system
All the articles presented to the publication for its editions will be submitted to a double blind arbitration process which will be done with the help of a pair of experts external to the editorial institution for each theme.Peer Reviewers
The reviewers of the journal are expected to carry out a thorough and constructive reading of each article that they accept to review, seeking not only to issue an approval or rejection recommendation to the editor, but also that their comments allow the authors to improve their texts or reflect on the scope, possibilities or shortcomings of your manuscript. Likewise, evaluators must consider that the texts that the publisher has entrusted to them are unpublished, and any improper or unauthorized use of the information contained therein would imply a serious ethical misconduct. Also, the responsibility of evaluating a work, once it has been accepted, cannot be transferred to third parties, especially if it has not been justified and previously consulted with the editor. Finally, any conflict of interest that the evaluator identifies after receiving an assignment that potentially undermines his or her independence in developing a concept should be disclosed.The articles which are submitted to arbitration with Ingeniería Solidaría cannot have been evaluated by other publications, nor must they be presented simultaneously to other arbitration processes.
The publication and its editorial team will promote, through its policies and actions, the ethics in the investigation process, the appropriate use of contents protected by copyright and the quality of the works that it publishes, so that the different collaborators (editors, authors and evaluators) interact according to the principle of academic integrity. The publication follows the recommendations of the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE) for the management of inappropriate behaviour in academic publication.
Case Notification
If there is any evidence of ethical problems in the investigations presented by the works published by the journal, doubts about their scientific rigor, suspicion of falsification or improper manipulation of data, undisclosed conflicts of interest, identification of previous publications (“rehashes”), problems of authorship or plagiarism, please contact the editor of the journal immediately so that he can delve into the case and take the corresponding actions. The notifications received about ethical problems will be handled with absolute confidentiality, protecting the identity of the person who has detected the problem, if requested.Retractions, corrections and conflict resolutions.
The publication follows the guidelines ( and the procedures ( of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for the management of inappropriate behaviour in academic publication. Likewise, it will follow the COPE guidelines for the retractions or corrections of articles already published presenting errors affecting its scientific quality or the proper recognition of its authors, either by involuntary mistakes in the investigation process and publication or because of serious ethics issues such as plagiarism, manipulation of data, amongst others.The journal publishes its contents in open access, without any embargo period. In addition, all works are published under a Creative Commons’ Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), and their use must adhere to these licensing conditions.
Ediciones Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia will guarantee the digital preservation of the contents which are published so that the authors will always be able to recover their articles in time and maintain access to each of those who have contributed to the history and evolution of the publication.
Use of the contents and self-archiving
Authors can self-archive their works in institutional repositories, in the final version (or editor's version) in which the article was published, as long as the bibliographic data of the original publication of the article is registered, thus giving credit to the journal. Additionally, when self-archiving a published article, it is recommended that the authors include a link to the article, through its doi, so that it can be consulted on the official website of the journal. An active role on the part of the authors to disseminate their published work among colleagues, undergraduate and postgraduate students and among the academic community in general is key to a more effective contribution to the discipline or to a greater impact in research processes. research and academic training.Publication costs
The submission of works to the publication and its edition process is free; there are no costs involved at any stage to the authors. The publication is financed in its entirety by the Ediciones Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia.Submission
Articles submitted must be sent in Word format, the text being adjusted to fit the template suggested by the publication and only electronically through the Open Journal System. Together with the article, each of the authors must submit an author’s file and Ethics promise and license agreement granting Ingeniería Solidaría rights to use their contribution (forms that will be met in the authors copyright notice section). When an author sends their article through the OJS, the platform automatically forwards a reception message acknowledging receipt and the editorial team will proceed to check (in the shortest time possible) whether the article fulfills the basic requirements required (citations norms and formatting presentation, as well as its relevance to appear in a scientific publication, objectives, theoretical framework, methodology, conclusions and bibliography). In cases where it does not conform to this standard, it will be rejected. If the articles satisfies the publication norms, the arbitration process will commence.