Estimate of the Cost of the First Thinning Methodology for Algarrobo Blanco (Prosopis Alba): Applied in the Case of a Plantation in Herrera, Santiago Del Estero, Argentina
Facultad de Ciencias Forestales. Universidad Nacional de Santiago de Estero
Profesor asociado e investigador
Facultad de Ciencias Forestales. Universidad Nacional de Santiago de Estero
Ingeniero Forestal- Magister de la UBA
The first forest thinning operation at a five-year-old algarrobo blanco (Prosopis alba) commercial plantation in Herrera (Department of Avellaneda) in the province of Santiago del Estero, Argentina was analyzed using a time and movement study to determine operational productivity and costs associated with the shoring process using a chainsaw. Effective and operative times were measured and the volume was calculated with respect to bark, efficiency, productivity and the direct cost of thinning. The sample of 226 trees had a cut volume of 1.19 m3. The average operative time was 77 s/tree and the median effective time was 49 s/tree. A strong correlation was found between the effective working time with the tool and the variables for greater diameter and volume of the trees. The operational efficiency was 63.3%. Productivity per hour when felling trees was 0.25 m3/h (47 trees/h). The daily cost of the operation was 781 $/day, and the unit thinning cost was 527 $/m3 (1 US$ = 8.12 $ in May of 2014).
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