Engineering Competencies and Institutional Effectiveness

Roberto Giordano Lerena

Facultad de Ingenieria de la Universidad Fasta, Argentina

Sandra Cirimelo

Facultad de Ingenieria de la Universidad Fasta, Argentina

This study presents the basic competencies expected of a graduate engineer in Argentina, as agreed by the Consejo Federal de Decanos de Ingeniería de Argentina, setting a benchmark for the education of graduates in the country´s engineering schools. Also presented here is the first attempt in Argentina at measuring how effective an institution is in educating engineers, based on a survey of graduates´ perceptions about the generic competencies that are sought. The study is conducted to show how these competencies are manifiested and the experience is shared in order to promote these types of institutional projects. In carrying out this study, the authors reflect about society´s current conception of university graduates and the resulting need for universities to effectively fulfill expectations, and also to know how effective they  have been in providing competencies to their students. Finally, the study concludes that this experience has been a valuable one and highlights that the graduates´perceptions of the degree to which they have developed the competencies contributes to the institutional analysis and assessment, and represents an important input for analysis, design and implementation of management and change processes

Keywords: engineering competencies, engineering education, institutional effectiveness, measurement of institutional effectiveness

How to Cite

R. Giordano Lerena and S. . Cirimelo, “Engineering Competencies and Institutional Effectiveness”, ing. Solidar, vol. 9, no. 16, pp. 119–127, Apr. 2014, doi: 10.16925/in.v9i16.536.
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