Producing Ethanol from Glycerin, a Biofuel by-Product, Using Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

Jorge Augusto Hernández Mora

Universidad de Santander, sede Cúcuta

Juan Camilo Acevedo Páez

Universidad de Santander, sede Cúcuta

The growing biofuel market has led to an inevitable increase in the availability of glycerin, a by-product of the production process. Due to this abundant supply of cheap unrefined glycerin, researchers are looking for new alternative uses. This research analyzes how the glycerin that comes from the production of palm oil biofuel could be used as the raw material for producing chemicals with high commercial value through fermenting agents, thus providing the basis for future bio-refineries. By mixing glycerin with different substrates via an anaerobic microbial fermentation process using a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and prior separation, different products with high added value, such as ethanol, can be obtained.

Keywords: ethanol, microbial fermentation, glycerin biofuel byproduct

How to Cite

J. A. Hernández Mora and J. C. Acevedo Páez, “Producing Ethanol from Glycerin, a Biofuel by-Product, Using Saccharomyces Cerevisiae”, ing. Solidar, vol. 9, no. 16, pp. 97–101, Apr. 2014, doi: 10.16925/in.v9i16.532.
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