Influence Of Crushed Stone Aggregates From The Rodeb Distribution Center In The Mechanical Properties Of The Concretes Employed For The Construction Of The Tocancipá Free Trade Zone
Introduction: This article is a product of the research “The influence of stone aggregates of the Rodeb distribution center on the mechanical properties of the concrete used for the construction of the free trade zone of Tocancipa”, developed at the University Santo Tomas and carried out during 2017.
Methodology: The use of crushed stone aggregates without quality standards, those that guarantee the resistance of commercial concrete, is a problem in the country; with the understanding that the physical properties of stone aggregates affect the physical properties of fresh concrete and hardening strength.
In this study, crushed stone aggregates of a “Rodeb” collection center in Tocancipa, used for the construction of its Free Trade Zone and of technically supported aggregate types in the capital city, will be physically characterized to measure the mechanical variation in concrete of 21 and 28 MPa.
Results: It was found that the “Rodeb collection” aggregates comply with the physical parameters that achieve the expected design resistance and to a greater degree than the results obtained by the certified quality aggregates.
Conclusion: This project seeks to raise awareness about the variability in the physical and mechanical properties of concrete, according to the characterization of the crushed stone aggregates used.
Originality: It seeks to implement a mix design in the Rodeb collection for its aggregates.
Limitations: To continue with the investigation, it is necessary to carry out additional tests of physical-chemical characterization to better understand how the texture and shape of aggregates can influence the mechanic properties of concrete. Additionally, it is important to disseminate the results in the Tocancipa community.