Biometrics of the structures of the reproductive system of the replacement swine female : A direct anatomical study

Fabián Alejandro Gómez-Torres

Universidad Industrial de Santander

Luis Ernesto Ballesteros-Acuña

Universidad Industrial de Santander

Luz Stella Cortés-Machado

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

César Augusto Rodríguez-Díaz

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Introduction: some animal species are used as experimental models in clinical and surgical practice and in university spaces for teaching animal and comparative anatomy. As a collaboration with these exercises, this research enriches the knowledge of the external morphology of the swine uterus and its vascular irrigation.

Methodology: this cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out with 60 swine uteri. The uterine arteries and veins, previously repaired with silk at the level of the uterine cervix, were perfused with semi-synthetic resin (palatal 85% and styrene 15%) colored with red and mineral blue, respectively. For the anatomical study of the organ, a general description of uterine irrigation was performed. External measures of the ovaries and uterus were taken to characterize them.

Results: the average length of the ovaries was 23.07 +/- 3.93 mm to the right and 23.02 +/- 4.45 mm to the left. The right ovarian artery had a caliber and a length of 1.7 +/- 0.31 mm and 36.2 +/- 24.1 mm; while on the left a gauge and length of 1.6 +/- 0.5 mm and 35.6 +/- 16.5 mm was observed. The uterine tubes had a length of 140.3 +/- 29.3 mm on the right side and 135.9 +/- 29.2 mm on the left side.

Conclusions: it was found that the morphometric values found in this research were, in general, lower than those described in previous studies, probably because the measures described by other authors have been carried out in multiparous females. This consideration invites further studies that include females with such parity characteristics, in order to know and specify whether the factor is associated with the variations in the reported measures. It is worth mentioning that the morphometry of the genital system has an increasing importance in medical research.

Keywords: anatomy, ovary, swine, fallopian tube, uterus

How to Cite

Gómez-Torres, F. A., Ballesteros-Acuña, L. E. ., Cortés-Machado, L. S. ., & Rodríguez-Díaz, C. A. . (2017). Biometrics of the structures of the reproductive system of the replacement swine female: A direct anatomical study. Spei Domus, 13(26-27), 1-32.
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