Level of knowledge of educational robotics in a Peruvian university

Vidal Guerrero Támara

Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo

Rudecindo Albino Penadillo Lirio

Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo

Úrsula Lezameta Blas

Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo

The objective of this research work was to analyze the level of knowledge of educational robotics in a Peruvian
university. The study corresponds to a quantitative approach and due to its level of depth was descriptive. The
non-experimental cross-sectional design was used. The sample was non-probabilistic census type, consisting
of 35 teachers from the Academic Department of Education. Information was collected through a questionnaire with content validity through expert judgment and a reliability of 0.89. The data were processed with the
Microsoft Excel 2019 spreadsheet and the hypothesis was contrasted with the proportion test with a confidence level of 95%. It is concluded that 97% of teachers do not of the conceptual foundations of educational
robotics, while 94% lack knowledge of the pedagogical aspects of educational robotics. On the other hand, 74%
of teachers do not have knowledge of the application of educational robotics. These results show a low level of
knowledge about educational robotics in teachers

Keywords: Educational robotics, digital skills, ITC
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