Treatment of Class iii Malocclusion with Facial Mask, Hybrid Hyrax and Alt-ramec Protocol
Case Report
Introduction: The difficulties in correcting the bone discrepancies of class iii malocclusions due to the
complexity of existing treatments, the unpredictability of bone growth, the development and treatment
outcomes for young patients, and the evident physical characteristics of the subjects who suffer from
them make them a challenge when considering successful treatment plans for correction.
Case: A 10-year-old male patient attended the maxillary orthopedics clinic of the graduate program
Pediatric Dentistry and Maxillary Orthopedics of the School of Dentistry at the Universidad del Valle
(Cali-Colombia) for re-evaluation. He does not report family history of skeletal or dental anomalies; a
prominent chin is clinically observed.
Aim: To assess the effect of a treatment with hybrid hyrax, protraction mask and mini-implants in a
patient for the correction of class iii malocclusion.
Results and conclusions: The combination of hybrid hyrax, face mask and Alt-ramec protocol responds
to a real skeletal change due to the direct transmission of forces to the bone, thus abolishing the den-
toalveolar camouflages that produce satisfactory results at the dental, facial and even psychological
levels in patients with class iii skeletal malocclusion.
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