Stainless Steel : Material Facts for the Orthodontic Practitioner

Santiago Arango Santander

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Claudia María Luna Ossa

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Abstract. Stainless steel is one of the most widely used materials in current orthodontics. Archwires, brackets, bands, ligatures, tubes, among other appliances, are manufactured using different types of this alloy. The first evidence of the use of this alloy in the orthodontic field dates back to the mid-1920s, when it was introduced as a material to manufacture wires. The alloy has ever since gained popularity among orthodontists and its further development has led to its widespread use in today’s different orthodontic techniques. Despite being available for more than 80 years, and the fact that most orthodontists use it on a daily basis, there is still a lack of knowledge about the basic principles, composition, and properties of this
material by these professionals. Therefore, the purpose of this literature review is to discuss the main characteristics and properties of stainless steel that are useful in the orthodontic practice for orthodontists to take advantage of this remarkable material.

Keywords: acero inoxidable, alambres de ortodoncia, austenítico, brackets de ortodoncia

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