Guide to Eruption and Serial Extraction : a View Based on Occlusion Development

Andrea Ocampo Parra

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Natalia Parra Quintero

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Paola María Botero Mariaca

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Human beings have two dentitions, which require at least fifteen years for consolidation. During this process, the genetic information that determines shape and growth are expressed and the occlusion consolidates; however, during this period, environ- mental factors can generate changes in the form and function of the individual. Crowding is one of the most prevalent malocclusions and the treatment approach depends on the facial, skeletal and occlusal features of each patient. This article discusses the eruption guide procedure as an interceptive treatment for crowding based on the concepts of growth and occlusion development. It addresses the importance of developing preventive methods based on adequate knowledge of normal growth, dentition development and the factors that modify it. This review highlights the importance of serial extraction to anticipate space changes that will occur unless the teeth are removed with strategic intervals to relieve the severity of malocclusion.

Keywords: dental growth and development, serial extraction, dental occlusions.

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