Systematic review : quantity and frequency of radiographies, photographies and dental models taken for the monitoring of orthodontic treatments

Review Article
Claudia Luna

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, sede Medellín

Andrés Felipe Sánchez

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Alexandra Ortiz

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia.

Zulma Vanessa Rueda

Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Paola Botero

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Introduction: the objective of this research was to identify in the available literature the amount and frequency of radiographies, photographs, and casts made to follow-up patients undergoing orthodontic treatment.

Materials and methods: a systematic review that consisted of an electronic database search was performed to find articles that included the description of the frequency and amount of panoramic and lateral cephalic radiographies, photographs, and casts in their methodology. We included cohort and case-control studies, as well as clinical trials, limiting our analysis to papers available in English or Spanish. We applied the Jadad score and the NewcastleOttawa scale to the selected papers to establish their methodological quality. In addition, we determined the age of the subjects in the experimental groups in order to identify the type of orthodontic treatment, whether it was interceptive or corrective.

Results: the search yielded 342 articles in total, identified by the information contained in the title and abstract. 273 articles were excluded due to different reasons, such as being irrelevant to the topic, language, study type, or lack of access to the full-text article. 60 articles were finally included in the review.

Conclusions: despite the heterogeneity among the included studies, a consensus among the authors on the amount and frequency of orthodontic records was possible. Records taken at the beginning or pre-treatment, after six months of treatment, a year into treatment, when appliances are removed, and two years after the treatment has finished are recommended for interceptive treatments. For corrective treatment, it is suggested that records be taken at the beginning or pre-treatment, a year into the treatment, when the treatment is finished, and two years after the treatment is finished.

Keywords: cephalometry, dental photography, dental models, panoramic radiography

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