Results of the Relationship between Decision-making, Communication and ICT in Industrial Sector SMES

William Eduardo Mosquera Laverde

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Luisa Alejandra Rojas Melo

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Camilo Maurcio Grillo Torres

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

This article reflects on some aspects of weak management, especially organizational communication and ICT management in SMES, via exploratory qualitative research into how SMES face technological developments and use these in decision-making. The results of this research are used to propose changes that could be implemented to improve management, and strategies for facing current ICT. Finally, the advantages of efficient communication through the development and implementation of operative and technological measures are presented, showing some management tools that should be adopted to improve productivity in Colombia.

Keywords: formal communication, efficiency, productivity, SMES, ICT

How to Cite

W. E. Mosquera Laverde, L. A. Rojas Melo, and C. M. Grillo Torres, “Results of the Relationship between Decision-making, Communication and ICT in Industrial Sector SMES”, ing. Solidar, vol. 9, no. 16, pp. 109–118, Jan. 2014, doi: 10.16925/in.v9i16.664.
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