Factors affecting product life cycle in electronic enterprises : evidence from an emerging country
PhD, Faculty of Economics and Management, Electric Power University, Vietnam
email: tam.nguyen.cpa@gmail.com
Lecturer, Faculty of Economics and Management, Electric Power University, Vietnam
email: anhlq@epu.edu.vn
Professor, School of Accounting and Auditing, National Economics University, Vietnam
email: phuonghoaneu@gmail.com
Introduction:This paper is the product of the study “Factors affecting product life cycle in electronic enterprises – Evidence from an emerging country” developed at the Electric Power University and National Economics University between 2020 and 2022.
Problem:The electronic manufacturing industry is increasingly developing in emerging markets and integrating into the global economy. The life cycle of electronic products is shorter and requires management.Objective:The paper aims to study factors that affect the product life cycle in Vietnamese electronic enterprises. The study helps managers in cost management.
Methodology:The paper used a survey of non-probability sampling, and applied regression analysis to examine Vietnamese electronic enterprises. The analysis is done by SPSS and Smart PLS software.
Results:The research results indicate that technology, consumer trends, and R&D are factors affecting product life cycle and post-sale service, and disposal has no impact on electronic products’ life cycle. This could be explained by the fact that electronic products are constantly updating and their life cycle is short, that post-sales service does not play a key role, and that waste treatment after sales is not taken seriously by manufacturers, customers, or other related parties.
Conclusion:The results give some meaningful insights for electronics or other enterprises in Vietnam to use effective management of product life cycle. Originality:The results of this paper provide practical insights into the management of product life cycle and cost management of product life cycle for researchers and managers.Limitations:The research model should be expanded and the sample size increased to get an overview and greater insight.
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