Advances in the Mental Control of a Robotic Hand
Faculty of Engineering and
Architecture, Automation and Control
Group – SIARC.
Universidad de Pamplona. Calle 5 # 3-93 Pamplona, Norte de Santander, Colombia.Position: Mechatronics Engineer (c).
Facultad de Ingenierías y Arquitectura, Grupo de Automatización y Control – SIARC. Universidad de Pamplona. Position: Mechatronics Engineer (c).
Facultad de Ingenierías y Arquitectura, Grupo de Automatización y Control – SIARC. Universidad de Pamplona.Position: Professor of the Department of Mechanical, Mechatronic and Industrial Engineering of the University of Pamplona.
Introduction: The present article is the product of the research "Advances in the mental control of a robotic hand", developed at the University of Pamplona in the year 2019.
Problem: Currently one of the main problems presented by robotic hand prostheses is the way in which the user indicates the movements to be performed. Given this, the best results have been obtained using invasive systems.
Objective: The main objective of the system is to allow a person to control the movements and / or gestures of a robotic hand using their thoughts, in such a way that the control is as natural and precise as possible.
Methodology: Use is made of a non-invasive, low-cost brain-computer interface (BCI) for the generation of control system references.
Results: The performance of the system is directly subject to the user's ability to recreate actions or movements in their mind; the more defined your thinking, the better the control response.
Conclusion: Mind control represents a new challenge for users, but as it is used, it becomes a more natural and precise control method, offering great control possibilities to people who make daily use of robotic hand prostheses.
Originality: Through this research, an alternative is formulated for the control of hand prostheses, which does not require invasive systems and has the advantage of being low cost.
Limitations: Frustration, stress and external noise are factors that directly affect the performance of the system.
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