Use of UML in the analysis phase of adevelopment process for educational software

Reflexión académica sobre temáticas relacionadas con la Ingeniería
Edwin Duran Blandón

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, sede Barrancabermeja

Unified Modelling Language (uml) derives from a series of analysis and object oriented design methods for any kind of software, these provide a framework or approach necesary for the construction of educational software. The author presents a work derived from the research: “Incidence of the tic in Teaching and Learning Processes for Sciences and Mathematics in the Institución Ciudadela Educativa del Magdalena Medio”. The research is in progress since 2010 and focuses in the use of uml for the developpment of educational software in this institution.
Keywords: software engineering, Unified Modelling Language (uml), educational software

How to Cite

E. Duran Blandón, “Use of UML in the analysis phase of adevelopment process for educational software”, ing. Solidar, vol. 7, no. 13, pp. 83–91, Apr. 2024, Accessed: Jan. 21, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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