An ApproAch to the study of the creAtivity of the students beggining their studies in the universidad cooperativa de colombia

Alexandra Abuchar Porras

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Ingenierias, sede Bogotá

Fredys Simanca

Universidad Cooperativa, Facultad de Ingeniería, sede Bogotá

Nathalia López

Universidad Católica de Colombia

The authors present the results of the research project approved by Conadi: “Creativity of the students entering the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Bogota branch” in 2009. The studied sample had 100 students. The instrument used for the study was the one proposed by Waldemar de Gregory. This survey has 27 items to be rated on a scale from 1 to 5, this structure proportionally facilitates quantitative analysis since it gives an approximation to the functioning of the triadic brain. In the application we saw a tri-cerebral tendency in the students according to the following proportions: operational brain 36%, right brain 32%, left brain 28%, these percentages show that the analyzed students develop academic activities operatively; they work with enthusiasm but usually fall into activism, they are emotional, intuitive, creative, sensitive and poorly organized.
Keywords: creativity, innovation, tricerebral
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