Teaching models in inTerneT learning, a look inTo The archiTecTure of virTual courses and Their Tendencies

Jairo Alonso Cortes Mendez

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, sede Bogotá

Jairo Oswaldo Lozano

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Ingeniería, sede Bogotá

This paper presents partial results of a research project, approved by Conadi of the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, 2010 call for research projects, called “Social networks; a teaching strategy in learning environments from higher education”, subscribed to the Anta group, registered and rated by Colciencias (since it has shown partial results it is currently in the “others” category). The general objective of the research project is to develop a methodological proposal, based on the use of multimedia technology, and social networking and connectivity software, to improve learning environments in higher education. The authors analyze an ideal structure for virtual courses, detailing each of their parts, specially the theories of David Merrill and Robert Gagné, precursors of instructional design; through this study, they move forward in their proposal to create a virtual learning environment for the engineering faculty of the Bogota branch.
Keywords: personal learning environments, architecture, virtual education, teaching models, Web

How to Cite

J. A. Cortes Mendez and J. O. Lozano, “Teaching models in inTerneT learning, a look inTo The archiTecTure of virTual courses and Their Tendencies”, ing. Solidar, vol. 8, no. 14, pp. 41–51, Jul. 2012, doi: 10.16925/.
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