Factors oF technical eFFiciency oF the palm oil agro-industry in the magdalena department

Raúl Rodríguez Luna

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia sede Santa Marta

The author studies the production limits of palm oil industry in the Magdalena department, aiming to expose some of the important factors for the technical efficiency of this industry that is fundamental for the region. We applied the methodology of the least squares method on a time series from 1995 to 2010, based on the data of the annual manufacturers survey of the Dane (National Administrative Department for Statistics). The results obtained by the authors show that higher levels of capital entail higher levels of production. This paper is the product of the research project “Socio-economic characterization of the palm oil agro-industry in the Magdalena department”, 2010, of the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Santa Marta branch, it is also under the responsibility of the “Umbrales” research group, that has been certified by Colciencias.
Keywords: palm oil, agro-industry, efficiency, econometric model, production

How to Cite

R. Rodríguez Luna, “Factors oF technical eFFiciency oF the palm oil agro-industry in the magdalena department”, ing. Solidar, vol. 8, no. 14, pp. 8–18, Jul. 2012, doi: 10.16925/.
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