State of the art of serious games on Android mobile platform for learning software modeling

Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
Estudiante de Ingeniería de Sistemas.

Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
Profesor de Ingeniería de Sistemas

Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
Profesora de Ingeniería de Sistemas
Introduction: This article derives from the research project on the “state of the art of serious games on Android mobile platform for learning software modeling”, conducted by the software development incubator at the Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano between 2015 and 2017. The objective of the research was to look for serious games on Android for learning software modeling.
Methodology: A search was made in digital databases, such as Scopus, ebsco, Elsevier, ieee Xplore, Digital Library, among others. The search was focused on the development of serious games on Android for learning software modeling.
Results: Fifty-two articles were found that met the research guidelines, but not its objective. In addition, great benefits of using mobile devices as a tool in education were identified.
Conclusion: It was found that serious games are a very important tool in the learning process, but as their use is not massive or, for now, they have not been implemented in all fields of knowledge, the teacher must be committed to assisting students as they adapt to their use.
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