Use of non-wood forest products in the urban area : The case of fruit flours from native forest trees in northern Argentina

Universidad Nacional Santiago del Estero
Doctor ingeniero Superior de Montes. Profesor de Economía y Política Forestal
Introduction: This article derives from the research “Technological development of post-harvest treatment and production of fruit flours from the Monte Nativo in Santiago del Estero (pilot scale)”, which was conducted by the School of Agronomy and Agro-industries at the Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero during 2015. The objective of the study was to analyze the current and potential use of wood and non-wood forest products from native forests by the inhabitants of Santiago del Estero and their willingness to pay for them.
Methodology: A data collection instrument was designed based on a survey that was applied to 609 real and potential consumers of products related to wild fruits and by-products such as flours, sweets and drinks. Results: The most consumed fruit is carob bean, followed by mistol, and chañar. As for by-products such as syrups and flours, carob beans also prevail. A high number of individuals stated that they would try and use products enriched with native fruits. There is willingness to pay extra for products with flours of wild fruits in 63 % of respondents.
Conclusion: The inhabitants of urban areas in the province of Santiago del Estero consume non-wood forest products, especially fruits and flours derived therefrom, coming from the native forests of the province.
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