A Review of the Particularities of the Respiratory System of Birds :

Rosa Angélica Sanmiguel Plazas

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Lina María Peñuela-Sierra

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

The respiratory system of birds is the most efficient among vertebrates, due to the adaptive anatomical characteristics of the lungs, a markedly thin tissue barrier, the development of air sacs and a unidirectional air flow that makes it possible to maintain a nearly constant volume. In addition to gas exchange, the respiratory system actively participates in the organism’s acid-base balance, thermoregulation, excretion of toxins and vocalization. The acid-base balance is based on the ratio between carbonic acid (H2CO3) and ion bicarbonate (HCO3-), by means of which the respiratory system is constantly complemented by the kidneys in their blood pH regulatory function. Any change in this ratio causes respiratory acidosis and metabolic alkalosis, according to its source. That is why environmental and handling changes that exceed the strict parameters of temperature, environmental oxygen and CO2 concentration demand greater efforts from birds´ homeostatic mechanisms, particularly at the hemodynamic level, which affects their health and productive parameters.

Keywords: gas exchange, parabronchies, acid-basic regulation, unidirectionality
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