Factors Associated with Follicular Dynamics in Female Bovines

Néstor I. Tovío-Luna

Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Arturo Duica-Amaya

Universidad Nacional de Colombia

The ovarian follicular development system in cows is controlled by endocrine and paracrine systems affected by gonadotropic hormones (FSH and LH), in which cytokines act as chemical messengers, as well as by growth factors (favoring multiple processes such as cell proliferation), steroid hormones and other regulatory molecules. The ovarian follicle undergoes rapid cell proliferation during its early growth, which apparently is independent of circulating gonadotropins (FSH and LH). It is susceptible to the action of growth factors, which are protein-based substances that act by means of autocrine and paracrine mechanisms that intervene in the mitotic activity of the cell, triggering the proliferation, modeling and reorganization of tissues, as in the transitory structures present in the ovary (corpus luteum and follicles). There is thus evidence of a series of phenomena and aspects involved in the growth pattern of ovarian follicular waves. This in turn leads to constant updated reviews of the literature with the aim of more clearly understanding the dynamic pattern of behavior that determines the phenomena involved in the follicular dynamic of female bovines, which is the subject of this review.

Keywords: estrous cycle, ovarian follicle, gonadotropins
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