Impact of Tail Docking and Teeth Clipping on Animal Welfare in Fattening Pigs

Lourdes Elvira Rodríguez

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. Sede Ibagué.

Currently, technological pig production systems include various management practices that are painful for animals and are carried out from early ages, which could have repercussions throughout the animals’ productive lives. Many of these practices have a negative impact on aspects of animal welfare, even when they are justified from a production perspective. Within a farm, these situations occur frequently, and this study presents the case of fattening pigs that suffer serious problems such as tail, snout and teeth wounds, identifying critical points in different stages of production. In line with the case under consideration, this study analyzes the possible causes of these issues and in turn proposes solutions including elements that mitigate the negative impact the issues have had on animal welfare at the farm in question. This paper therefore uses one underlying question as a starting point: Are management practices such as inadequate tail docking and teeth clipping, as well as the lack of a suitable environment, generating problems of tail-biting and teeth and incisor lesions in fattening pigs?
Keywords: cerdos, cola, colmillos, dientes, lesiones
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