Vestibular Syndrome Caused by a Cerebrovascular Accident Associated with Secondary Hypothyroidism

Erwin Esparza

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. Sede Bucaramanga.

Diego Rodríguez


Edwin Benavidez

Clínica Dover

Vestibular syndrome is a pathology associated with multiple causes and affects dogs of any age, gender or breed. The treatment and prognosis will always depend on the primary cause and the location of the lesion. This report addresses the case of a Creole canine patient brought to the Clínica Veterinaria Dover because it inclined its head towards the left side, had horizontal nystagmus and ataxia along with occasional falls towards that same side. Laboratory exams were carried out (blood work,alkaline phosphatase, glycemia, cholesterol, triglycerides) along with the use of medication for blood pressure and an abdominal ultrasound. The results are associated with hypothyroidism and hyperadrenocorticism, which was subsequently confirmed by using a thyroid profile and measuring blood cortisol, respectively. Based on this, magnetic resonance was performed, in which a structure was found that was compatible with an ischemic cerebrovascular accident in the left cerebellar hemisphere, to which the appearance of the vestibular symptoms was attributed. The conclusion was that the cerebrovascular accident occurred as a result of secondary hypothyroidism.
Keywords: enfermedad vascular, enfermedad vestibular, hiperadrenocorticismo, hipotiroidismo
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