Characteristics of compositional quality and hygienic quality of goat's milk from production systems in the García Rovira province, Santander (Colombia)

Felipe Torres Ruda

Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Mónica Torres Cruz

Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Carlos Ariel Joya Cardenas

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Castellanos-Duarte, Frank A.

Centro Agroempresarial y Turístico de los Andes, Málaga, Santander –SENNOVA. Grupo de investigación Frailejones. Semillero de investigación en Caprinos y Caprinos -SIPCO

Introduction: Goat milk is recognized as a food with compounds of high biological value given its composition and intrinsic characteristics, reaching high recognition and commercial value. However, the production systems of the region have been developed in isolation, without technical support, absence of records and low technological inclusion, ignoring limited quality values through regulatory standards that regulate their production and extension. Therefore, the objective of this work was to recognize characteristics of composition and hygienic quality of goat's milk in farms located in the García Rovira province in the department of Santander. Methods: Analysis of the physicochemical parameters density (g /

cm3), fat (%), non-fat solids (MSNF) (%), protein (%) and cryoscopic point (°C) using the brand Milkana Kam 98-2A ultrasonic milk analyzer Ekomilk ®. Results:The means values for the physicochemical variables were: 4.44 ± 1.66%, in fat, 3.31 ± 0.24% in protein, 8.77 ± 0.65% in SNG, 1.031 ± 0.03 g / cm3 for density and, -0.561 ± 0.06 ° C for the cryoscopic point; the TRAM test also showed that 73% of the milk is classified as grade II and III, which is accepted for human consumption, in addition 80% of the animals of the UP evaluated were negative to the CMT test. Conclusions: These specific data with fundamental referential information that can help in structuring aspects of a regulatory nature for the consumption of goat's milk in the country.

Keywords: dairy industry, animal husbandry, milk collection, quality goat milk, normativity
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