Redefinition of the Category of Populism in the Latin American Scene Today. Movements and Hinges on the Trajectory of Ernesto Laclau

Investigaciones terminadas
Betina Guindi

Universidad de Buenos Aires

Ernesto Schtivelband

Universidad de Buenos Aires

Ricardo Terriles

Universidad de Buenos Aires

This paper is the result of the researches “Image: Community of Meaning” (director: Felisa Santos) and “Discourse, Politics, Subject: Encounters Between Marxism, Psychoanalysis and Theories of Signification” (director: Sergio Caletti) of UBACyT Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2011. As a result of this exchange, we intend to investigate these conceptual shifts that enabled the redefinition of the category of populism in the light of the transformations of the Latin American political landscape, not only from a synchronic perspective, but recovering the historicity of the conceptual configuration. Specifically, we will dive in Laclau’s work, in which theory the concept of populism assumes one (precarious) place of arrival from which it is possible to think the new plots of Latin American politics.

Keywords: laclau, Latin America, politics, populism, post-Marxism
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