Reading as a way to access the world of fantasy and creativity

Original Articles
Ana Milena Rangel Ramos
María Paola Acevedo Rodriguez
Silvia Margarita Aparicio

This article is part of the formative research process carried out with the second grade A group of the San Cristobal School concentration, with Carmenza Aparicip Jaimes as the head teacher. In this space, an initial diagnostic observation was made, in which it was possible to corroborate that the lack of motivation and aversion to reading is due to the lack of didactic tools and texts that the children like.

Keywords: lectura, fanstasía, creatividad, aprendizaje, educación

How to Cite

Rangel Ramos, A. M., Acevedo Rodriguez, M. P., & Aparicio, S. M. (2024). Reading as a way to access the world of fantasy and creativity. Rastros Rostros, 5(10).
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