Conditions of possibility in the formation of the subject : A theoretical reflection beyond the educational

Carlos Enrique Mosquera Mosquera

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Guillermo Bustamante Zamudio

Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

This article derived from the investigation “the formation of political subjectivity from exemplary memory. A theoretical bet for the school”, has as objective, to establish conditions of possibility to think about the formation of the subject. The selected methodology that marked the way was critical discourse analysis; and, the field diary and the narrative were used as data collection techniques. In it, it is concluded that: 1) for there to be training, a trained teacher and hard work on the part of the student are required, which will keep them away from doxa and socio-media objects, as they are subtracted from their impulse; 2) training is possible as a retroactive effect, if the transfer of work mediates, which relates the student to symbolic resources and moves him to search for his object of desire, knowledge, which he wishes to find as an immediate need in terms of José Ortega y Gasset; 3) regulation and compensation as elements of the symbolic order make it possible to provisionally postpone the immediate satisfaction of the student, to distance him from his impulse and bring him closer to formal knowledge.

Keywords: Condition of possibility, student, training, teacher, records and knowledge
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