Psycological foundations to integrate the emotion in formative assessment

David Fernando Torres Lizarazo

Universidad Industrial de Santander

Jhon Alexánder Monsalve Flórez

Universidad Industrial de Santander

This reflexive article has as objective the theoretical analysis of emotions within the processes of formative
assessment. To achieve this purpose, a documentary review is used, framed within the interpretive paradigm of
social science. In the first place, the relationship between Revee’s theory and formative evaluation is developed;
this process is connected, in the second instance, with Heller’s theory of feelings. In conclusion, the dialogue
between formative assessment and emotion is rebuilt, as a starting point for the constructivist relationship
among the teacher, the student and the educational institution, whose purpose is that the student reaches
autonomy for their learning process

Keywords: assessment, formative assessment, students, emotion
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