Teaching communicative competence to students of the bachelor’s degree in Preschool Education

Esperanza León Arellano

Escuela Normal Federal de Educadoras “Mtra. Estefanía Castañeda

Introduction: Pragmatic competence is problematic for students in the pre-school education course, among
other reasons because the communication situations presented by the teachers do not meet the requirements
for them to demonstrate their skills.
Metodology: In the present research, it was designed and applied an intervention strategy through learning
situations that would allow students to argue with clarity and congruence by developing two types of products:
a lecture (written) and a documentary (oral), which in cognitive terms demand the same skills, as well as the
use of linguistic records and prototypical gender nomenclature. A case study was carried out, in which 24
second semester students participated.
Results: The results suggest that planning, argumentation and organizational skills can be favored in both
products, however, in metacognitive aspects there are still areas of opportunity.
Conclusions: Finally, the work provides recommendations in relation to the design of the evaluation instruments, in the sense of identifying from the beginning data related to cognitive processes and rhetorical movements typical of the products, as well as in aspects that must be taken into account when designing learning
situations and communicative situations.

Keywords: writing, higher education, professional competence
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