Colombia : ¿portrait of a murderous society?

Ponencias y ensayos
Jhonatan Julián Martínez Pérez

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

This article is a socio-critical analysis of literary elements of the novel “Relato de un asesino” by the Colombian author Mario Mendoza. This paper addresses some of the themes presented in the novel and their relationship to the era which inspired the work (which is not that different to the present day). The article is structured as follows: The first section presents the data related to the work, the author and the movement to which it belongs. The following section deals with the study related to literary elements within the work. Prior to the conclusion, the socio-critical analysis of the novel is presented. One of the main focuses of the article are the themes that underlie the work. It will mention and debate the most controversial items whilst comparing them with the social context in which the author and his country found themselves immersed. The article culminates with a brief conclusion, from the point of view of the novel itself, with regards to the importance that reading of critical literature has within society.

Keywords: Mario Mendoza, Socio-critical, analysis, literary elements
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