Importance of Pulp Analysis before Carrying Out Orthodontic Movements

Carolina Cárdenas González

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Yohana Cifuentes Jaramillo

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Paola María Botero Mariaca

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Catalina María Giraldo Guzmán

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Currently, a growing number of patients choose orthodontia treatment as an alternative for correcting malocclusions and also to correct functional and aesthetic problems. The purpose of this article is to describe the most relevant data reported in the literature about the relationship between orthodontia and pulp pathology, in that orthodontic movements can lead to an inflammatory pulp response. It is thus of great importance to make a clinical and radiographic diagnosis of pre-existing changes in the pulp that can be exacerbated through dental movement.

Keywords: dental pulp, orthodontia treatment, pulp examination, exodontia.

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