Frequency and variability of dental morphology in eight ethnic groups in southwestern Colombia

Andrés Felipe Calderón Cabrera

Escuela de Odontología, Universidad del Valle (Cali, Colombia)

Daniela Garzón Ruano

Escuela de Odontología, Universidad del Valle (Cali, Colombia)

Paola Andrea Mosquera Castillo

Escuela de Odontología, Universidad del Valle (Cali, Colombia)

Freddy Moreno

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali

Aim: To characterize the frequency and variability of the dental morphology of eight ethnic groups in southwestern Colombia.

Method: Cross-sectional descriptive observational study that characterized the frequency and variability of dental morphology in eight ethnic groups in southwestern Colombia, through the prevalence, sexual dysmorphism, bilateral symmetry and biological distance of eight non-metric dental traits (shovelling, Carabelli trait, hypocone reduction, protostylid, deflecting wrinkle, cusp pattern, cusp 6 and cusp 7).

Results: High shovelling frequencies were observed in indigenous from Jambaló, Morales and Silvia and in afro-descendants from Cali; of the deflecting wrinkle in indigenous from Jambaló and afro-descendants from Villarica; of the cusp pattern in indigenous from Jambaló and Silvia and afro-descendants from Cali; and of cusp 7 in indigenous of Jambaló. The Carabelli trait and the cusp 6 presented medium and low frequencies in the eight ethnic groups. The observed sample did not present sexual dimorphism in any of the morphological features and there was bilateral symmetry in their expression. Significant differences were found in the expression of morphological traits except in the protostylid.

Conclusions: The dichotomous expression presence/absence of the eight non-metric dental traits studied shows that the eight ethnic groups of southwestern Colombia conglomerate with respect to their biological affinity with populations with whom they share the influence of the mongoloid, caucasoid and negroid population dental complexes.

Keywords: Dental anthropology, Dental morphology, Dentistry, Permanent dentition, Ethnography
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