L-Arginine Chitosan Scaffolds For Oral Health Applications
Estudiante de Maestría en Ciencias Odontológicas, Universidad del Valle, Cali – Colombia.
email: santiago.ortodonciaestetica@gmail.com
Doctorado en Ingenieria, Grupo de Materiales Compuestos, Escuela de Ingeniería de Materiales, Universidad del Valle, Cali - Colombia
email: alencia.mayra@correounivalle.edu.co
Scaffolds are used in health specialties to bring structural support in tissues, guide cellular grow, control bacterial colonies and promote metabolic process. It has been reported several forming methods and depending on the physical characteristics of the scaffold could be applied in different health specialties. The following review elucidate the advances of the chitosan scaffold in bioengineering and health, it’s relation with amino acids as Arginine, hydrogel processing methods and finally the benefits to bring a proper treatment in actual dentistry. 23 original papers were used in the review; from in vitro reports, cohorts, RCT’s and animals’ investigations. The use of chitosan scaffolds could be applied on tissues, but the desacetylation degree (DD) and the molecular weight specify the biological target. Has been reported different synthesis protocols, and there’s no proved relationship between the molecular weight or its DD with the biological function. It’s important to investigate more about the chitosan scaffolds to apply into dental specialties.
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