Evaluation of the psychometric reproducibility properties of the Child Perception Questionnaire (CPQ) 11-14

Camilo Andrés Romo Pérez

Universidad del Magdalena

Ashley Lorena Méndez Pérez

Universidad del Magdalena

Renata De La Hoz Perafán

Universidad del Magdalena

Introduction: There are different instruments that measure quality of life related to oral health in children, such as the CPQ, which has two versions (CPQ8-10 and CPQ11-14). Objective: The purpose of this study was to cross-culturally adapt the Peruvian version of CPQ11-14 to the language of the Colombian Caribbean, determine the psychometric properties of reproducibility, and describe the usefulness of the CPQ11-14 questionnaire.

Materials and methods: With a sample of 214 participants, in this quantitative observational psychometric scale evaluation study, measurements of reliability, internal consistency, and discriminant power of the CPQ11-14 were performed. The structure of the instrument was explored by Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). With factor extraction via the Principal Axis Method with Varimax rotation.

Results: A global Cronbach's alpha of 0.9 was obtained. For the EFA, the measure of sampling adequacy was evaluated with the KMO test = 0.829 (p = 0.001), and the mean adequacy of the sample with the Bartlett test = 2904.538 (p = 0.001). These values allowed for the calculation of factor loadings to justify each item in the dimensions of the scale.

Conclusions: This version of the instrument showed an adequate response to reproducibility, however, the low percentages of success in the discriminant power and some null factor loadings in some items suggest changes in the wording and a new evaluation to study their behavior. However, this version of the instrument is described as useful for this purpose, although it is not the definitive version to perform CVrSO measurements in children and adolescents on the Colombian Caribbean coast.

Keywords: quality of life, oral health, factor analysis, psychometry, child health

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