Pleomorphic adenoma vs benign lymphoepithelial cyst : Clinical and histopathological diagnosis

Samuel E. Urbano Del Valle

Universidad de Cartagena

Eilien G. Tovío Martínez

Universidad de Cartagena

Shanny L. Miranda Duncan

Universidad de Cartagena

Jonathan Harris Ricardo

Universidad de Cartagena

Introduction: the pleomorphic adenoma is the neoplasm with the highest incidence of salivary glands, representing around 3-10% of the tumors of the head region; the benign lymphoepithelial lesion, on the other hand, has been widely recognized as a common cause of enlarged parotid gland in patients usually infected with HIV. The cystic lesions of the parotid gland are rare, characterized by being slow-growing, asymptomatic tumors of firm consistency and covered by healthy skin or mucosa.

Objective: to describe the histological, clinical and imaging characteristics, which must be carried out in a multidisciplinary manner, in order to carry out an appropriate and accurate treatment plan for the pathology.

Clinical case: male patient attending the clinic due to asymptomatic tumor lesion located in the right preauricular region. Magnetic resonance of the area is sent confirming the lesion, a surgical approach is made to eliminate the injury and compromised tissues, subsequently, histological study confirms the diagnosis of pleomorphic adenoma.

Conclusion: Although surgical intervention is the treatment of choice for both, the pleomorphic adenoma and the benign lymphoepithelial lesion, it is imperative to perform an exhaustive clinical, imaging and histopathological study of the possible lesion, thus ruling out other entities that require a treatment plan totally different, avoiding mistake.

Keywords: adenoma, parotid gland, salivary glands, branchial cyst, adenolymphoma, histology (MeSH)

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