Diabetes and periodontal diseases : towards a bidirectional clinical model

Review Article
Marisol Miranda Galvis

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, sede Medellín

Yenny Paola Montoya Zuluaga

Universidad de Antioquia

Andrés Saldarriaga Saldarriaga

Universidad de Antioquia

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most prevalent systemic diseases in world population and is considered a public health problem. This disorder is classified as one of the most important risk factors associated with periodontal disease. We thus undertook a literature review on the relation between diabetes and periodontal disease. Among the main results, we found that the prevalence of periodontitis is higher in diabetics than in non-diabetics, and also that the prevalence of diabetes is higher in people with periodontitis when compared to a control group. In conclusion, we established a relationship from three different hypothesis: diabetes as a risk factor for the onset and progression of periodontitis, periodontal infection as related to an aggravation of low glycemic control, and the existence of a bidirectional relationship between these two diseases. We propose a new clinical model that explains this bidirectional relationship.

Keywords: classification, diabetes Mellitus, disease, periodontitis, advanced glycosylation end products (age), disease progression

How to Cite

Diabetes and periodontal diseases: towards a bidirectional clinical model. (2014). Revista Nacional De Odontología, 8(14), 76-87. https://revistas.ucc.edu.co/index.php/od/article/view/285
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