Diabetes and periodontal diseases : towards a bidirectional clinical model

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, sede Medellín
Estudiante de décimo semestre
email: revista.odontologia@ucc.edu.co

Universidad de Antioquia
Estudiante de décimo semestre
email: revista.odontologia@ucc.edu.co

Universidad de Antioquia
Estudiante de décimo semestre de la Facultad de Odontología
email: revista.odontologia@ucc.edu.co
Diabetes mellitus is one of the most prevalent systemic diseases in world population and is considered a public health problem. This disorder is classified as one of the most important risk factors associated with periodontal disease. We thus undertook a literature review on the relation between diabetes and periodontal disease. Among the main results, we found that the prevalence of periodontitis is higher in diabetics than in non-diabetics, and also that the prevalence of diabetes is higher in people with periodontitis when compared to a control group. In conclusion, we established a relationship from three different hypothesis: diabetes as a risk factor for the onset and progression of periodontitis, periodontal infection as related to an aggravation of low glycemic control, and the existence of a bidirectional relationship between these two diseases. We propose a new clinical model that explains this bidirectional relationship.
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