Frequency of periodontal disease and cavities in dogs at the bogota zoonosis center

Research Articles
Deisy Katherine Rubiano

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, sede Medellín

Diego Alejandro Rojas

Universidad Antonio Nariño

Jorge Almansa

Universidad Antonio Nariño, Facultad de Odontología

María José Villalobos

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

David Ernesto Montoya

Universidad de la Salle

Guillermo Alfonso Urquijo

Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Introduction: The research project entitled “Frequency of Periodontal Disease and Cavities in Dogs at the Bogotá Zoonosis Center” was carried in 2011out at the Universidad Antonio Nariño by the “Quirón” research group.

Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study, which evaluated 100 dogs previously euthanized with sodium pentobarbital. The Lobprise and Wiggs veterinarian periodontal index was used to establish the presence of periodontal disease and three criteria were taken into account to evaluate cavities: brown spot lesions, white spot lesions and active cavitational cavities, following the established patterns in the three records systems, which included the medical history, dental chart and periodontogram.

Results: 64% of the dogs tested had periodontal disease and 1% had cavities; 16% of patients had both diseases simultaneously. 64% of those with periodontal disease 30% had mild periodontitis, 20% had severe periodontitis, 13% moderate periodontitis and 1% had gingivitis.

Conclusions: Greater tooth loss was observed in older dogs, premature loss is greater in dogs with severe periodontal disease and premolars were the teeth most affected. The frequency of peri- odontal disease was 80% and 17% for cavities. The results are consistent with those reported in the literature and show the importance of veterinarians knowing about problems associated with the canine oral cavity.


Keywords: dogs, dental cavities, periodontal diseases.
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