Risk Factors Associated with Periodontal Disease in Pregnant Women

Ximena Andrea Cerón Bastidas

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Diana Isabel Josa

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Periodontal disease has been associated to a vast number of risk factors and may be in turn considered as a risk factor for the development of some pathological events, such as premature birth, low weight at birth and pre-eclampsia. Periodontal disease is a multifactorial clinical entity in which inflammatory mechanisms that are also present in adverse conditions for pregnancy are involved. The literature confirms these findings and has oriented research towards cellular and molecular bases in search of a precise explanation that may allow for preemptive measures with great impact. This bibliographical review considered information starting in the year 2000, including reviews and experimental studies concerning the cellular mechanisms that explain possible alterations in periodontal tissue during pregnancy that may unchain consequences as premature birth, pre-eclampsia and low weight at birth.

Keywords: pregnancy, risk factors, periodontitis, oral health
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