Correlation between Levels of salivary Alkaline Phosphatase and Depth of Periodontal Pocket
Universidad Nacional del Nordeste
Universidad Nacional del Nordeste
Universidad Nacional del Nordeste
Universidad Nacional del Nordeste
Introduction: the host’s salivary enzymes have been proposed as diagnosis bio-markers at a periodontal stage. The concentration of salivary alkaline phosphate (sap) has been associated with gum disease (gd).
Objective: the purpose of this article is to determine the possible relation between sap levels in saliva and probing depth.
Material and methods: 90 patients, all systematically healthy and with periodontitis, were divided in two groups: g1, 45 patients with periodontal pockets of 4-5 mm in depth, and g2, 45 patients with 6 mm o more in depth. The levels of sap (ui/i) in the saliva were evaluated through a spec-trophotometer at 520 nm.
Results: the average concentration of sap in saliva was higher in g1 when compared to g2 (p > 0,05). Person correlation test showed a significant relation between concentrations of sap in the saliva and depth of the catheterization (p > 0,05).
Conclusion: the assessment of sap in saliva may become practical and reliable to the detec-tion of activity and severity of gd.
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